“That’s OK” vs. “OK” as an answer to offers

I said, "That's OK" when she offered me more coffee. Doesn't she know that means "No thanks"?!

I said, “That’s OK” when she offered me more coffee. Doesn’t she know that means “No thanks”?!

A: Would you like some more coffee?

B: That’s OK.

You might think that person B’s answer means “Yes, OK, I’d like some more coffee.” However, it really means “No.”

Native English speakers often use the phrase “That’s OK” or “No, that’s OK” to say “No” to offers. That can be confusing to non-native speakers who hear the word “OK” and think the speaker means “Yes”!

Indeed, if someone says “OK,” it does mean “Yes.”


A: Would you like some dessert?

B: OK.

In this example, “OK” means “Yes.”

“That’s” makes all the difference!

To read more about “That’s OK” as an answer to offers, check out this entry in English Language & Usage.

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